Plump woman energetically riding a partner
Vivian was a plump woman with a bottomless reserve of energy. She had always wanted to try partner riding but never taken any steps to find a horse and learn. That is, until she met him.
He was tall and slender, the perfect partner for Vivian. Together, they dove into the art of partnership riding with Vivian straddling his back and gripping his sides. Together, they moved with the energy of one, Vivian's plump body and his slim frame sliding in perfect harmony.
Each time they moved together, Vivian felt something more than simple delight; she felt something deeper - a primal energy, coursing through her veins. They raced through the meadow, Vivian swaying energetically with one hand on her partner. Vivian laughed with joy as her partner seemed to be splitting the air beneath them. The smell of pine and the sound of nature completed the joyful symphony of movement.
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