Plump BBW woman posing seductively for the camera
She felt a surge of adrenaline as the camera clicked and the shadows casted by the light emphasized her luscious curves. Vivienne had always been a plump, BBW woman but she never felt more confident than in that moment. Standing seductively in nothing but a pair of sheer lingerie, she loved how the plush outlines of her body seemed to taunt the photographer.
Enraptured by the way her ample flesh filled out the fabric, Vivienne ran a hand through her hair coquettishly and moved closer to the beam of light. Relishing in the sensations radiating through her, she delighted in the smouldering look in the man's eyes. She felt a sudden rush of need and turned to the side, displaying her curves even more.
Sweetly inviting the photographer to come closer, Vivienne carefully arranged her plump body in the most seductive poses. Verbalizing her desire with every look, she waited for the photographer to take her up on her offer and take her to the promised land of pure pleasure.
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