Voluptuous woman enjoying sensual massage

Karla, the voluptuous beauty, leaned back and luxuriated in the skilled hands of her masseuse. She delighted in the pressure of his fingers as they moved across her body, exploring her curves and caressing her soft skin. His gentle touch created an erotic tension that caused a rush of warmth to spread through her body. She closed her eyes and with each pass, his fingers drew her ever closer to a state of pure pleasure. She knew she had to stay quiet - but her self control broke as the masseuse's gentle movements became more stimulating and sensuous. Her breathing grew heavier as the massage progressed and her body rocked to the rhythm of his hands. At the end of the therapy, Karla felt recharged and the massage had left her feeling spoilt and content. She smiled sensually; relieved her voluptuous figure had been pleasurably worked into bliss.

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