Fat girl sensually enjoys her body, licking her ample breasts

She was a plus-sized beauty and she loved being the way she was. Her full figure curves were something of a highlight for her and she was proud of them. She felt sensuous when she ran her hands over her voluptuous body. As she lay on the large four-poster bed, she touched her ample breasts and then brought a finger to her lips and licked it slowly. She longed for the scent and taste of her own skin. Her tongue then moved down to her breast where she licked her full flesh hungrily. The taste was delicious and her body trembled with pleasure. Closing her eyes, she lost herself in the pleasure of the moment. Savoring each moment, her tongue continued to lazily swirl over her ample breasts. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, she let out a contented sigh, feeling totally indulged. She felt fully alive and in touch with her body’s sensual desires.

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